Getting to the Queen City Yacht Club
Take the QCYC Tender/boat
Come visit us at Queen City Yacht Club! Our club runs a private ferry which we call a “tender.” The tender leaves from a small dock at the foot of York St. on the Queens Quay. Nearby landmarks are the Queens Quay Terminal Building, Farm Boy and Beaver Tails.
Note: Multiple boats leave from the same dock so double check you are headed to the QCYC. The tender DOES NOT leave from the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal.
QCYC City Dock Location
145 Queens Quay W, Toronto, ON M5J 2H4. Note this address is a “Beaver Tails” nearest to our dock. Look for yellow & black water taxis who use the same dock, located in front of Farm Boy. North, west side of the water basin.
QCYC Tender Name
Alqonquin Queen (shown in photo above) or the Algonquin Princess (smaller pontoon boat, not shown).
Booking your journey
View the tender schedule, purchase your two-way ticket and book your journeys here. Give the boat staff your name when boarding the boat. You will receive a paper return ticket, save this for your return trip. Your return journey is pre-paid, select “I have a ticket” from from the online options. Tender trips can be booked anytime leading up to a departure. People with bikes board first in the city followed by regular passengers, the reverse is true island-side.
Round trip tickets: Adults $10, kids over 6 years $5, kids under 6 years are free.
Tender schedule
The QCYC tender leaves the city-side dock every hour on the 00:15, ex: 9:15 am, 10:15 am, 11:15 am etc. The tender leaves the island-side every hour on the hour ex: 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm etc. On race night extra runs are added. The boat departs on time so aim to arrive 10 minutes early.
Wednesday Race night
For race nights take the 4:45 pm or 5:15 QCYC tender from the city. Roo leaves our dock at 5:45 pm sharp for racing. A regular crew will likely walk you to our dock. Dinner is available at the club and most people take the 9:00 pm, 9:30 pm or 10:00 pm home. Our dock is Green 17 on Wards Island, across from the Sunshine Senior’s Center. For interest’s sake only: Race documents & schedule .
Bringing bikes to the island
Bike’s are welcome on the tender and there are bike racks on the club grounds. Bikes go on the back deck of the Algonquin Queen (portside,left). People with bikes exit the tender last on island side and board first on city side. Multiple bikes have been stolen from the city on Queens Quay so it’s better to bring them with.
If you miss the boat or get lost
Call Julian (416)909-4354 or Jade (647)-866-1264. Consider the public yellow water taxi’s that leave frequently from the same dock as the QCYC tender. Request a Wards Island drop off from the taxi staff working the dock.
Map of Toronto Islands, note the QCYC with the red marker. 2 Seneca Ave, Alqonquin Island (Toronto Islands).
Queen City Yacht Club Address
2 Seneca Ave, Alqonquin Island (Toronto Islands).
Alternative water transit links below:
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- Rupi Kaur